Which Pilot Qualifications Count The Most With Employers?

Becoming a pilot is one of the most enticing careers out there.You get all the prestige of being called a “pilot”, you get to wear those ironed uniforms and winged-pilot hats, plus, you get to fly an airplane while also getting paid for it!

As much as becoming a pilot is exciting and wonderful, reaching this dream is impossible without passing strict qualifications because airlines want the very best candidates that they can get.

What are these qualifications? Find out here:


  1. Mandatory licenses or certifications from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP).

All pilots in the Philippines have undergone under the strict regulation of the CCAP and you’re not an exception to that! Here are some of the most important licenses you must obtain before becoming a professional pilot:


  1. Private Pilot License (PPL)

This is license allows you to fly private aircraftsonly, which means you are not allowed to fly commercial aircrafts nor be employedas a pilot by any aviation group or company. To get this license, you must pass the PPL course that lasts usually for three months.


  1. Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

This license allows you to fly commercial airplanes or any other planes that carries a number of people.Getting a PPL is the most important requirement before getting this license.


  1. Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL)

If you really want to reach the highest position in this career, you better get an ATPL. This license allows you to fly as a pilot-in-command of multi-crew commercial airplane.


  1. Required physical qualifications.

Pilots are very vulnerable to all kinds of conditions due to the unique environmental factors inside the cabin. Because of that, pilots must pass a physical exam that will indicate if their bodies are up to the standard to perform well.

To note, vision tests are included in this exam, and contrary to popular belief, pilots’ vision don’t have to be 20/20 perfect. Pilots are still allowed to wear glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision.


  1. Set of important skills.

In addition to exceptional flying skills, employers are also looking into a candidate’s soft skills as flying an airplane can be a daunting and stressful task for the weak of heart and mind.

A pilot must have quick reaction time, especially in emergencies, quick-thinking and efficient decision making skills while being able to display presence of mind and strength of character.

Moreover, pilots must also be detailed-oriented, able to multitask, and a good team worker. All of which skills are important to create a smooth flying experience for all people within the cabin.

Of course, you won’t be to showcase all of these character traits during your interview alone but you can be sure that your interviewing panel will be looking for signs of these by the way you answer and conduct yourself. This is where careful preparation comes in, as with everything to do with flying.

Draw up questions that you might be asked and plan your interview outfit well. Make sure that your hands are not occupied upon entering the room so as to make yourself available to shake your interviewers’ hands. Your disposition is an extension of your CV and technical skills so remember to place your best foot forward. Do not waste this opportunity through poor planning.

That’s it! You are on your way to a flying career! Aside from training, passion, and dedication, training in a prestigious and trusted aviation school is another golden ticket to making your flying dreams into a reality.

WCC Aviation School offers a variety of aviation trainings – from being a flight attendant to becoming a licensed pilot – which have one of the best curriculum and instructors in the country! Their WCC Pilot Academy covers both PPL, CPL, and other courses related tothe industry. Visit their website here:


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