International Office

Our International Office is dedicated to fostering a global perspective and providing a welcoming environment for students and partners from around the world.

As the central hub for global connections at WCC Aeronautical and Technological  College, we are committed to supporting our international community and promoting cross-cultural understanding. 

Our office facilitates internationalization efforts by offering comprehensive services and resources to students, faculty, staff, and partner organizations globally.

Explore a World of Opportunities! Start your journey with us at WCC Aeronautical and Technological College!


Internationalization Opportunities

Student Exchange Programs

Immerse yourself in a new culture and education system by participating in a semester exchange program with one of our prestigious international partner higher education institutions. Gain valuable global perspectives and build lifelong friendships!

Short-Term Mobility Programs

Participate in intensive short-term programs lasting 1 to 2 weeks, focusing on specific disciplines or cultural experiences. These programs range from faculty-led study tours to specialized workshops and conferences, offering a taste of international education without a long-term commitment.

International Internships

Gain practical experience and build your resume with an internship at a partner company or organization overseas. Apply your classroom knowledge to real-world challenges and develop intercultural skills sought after by employers globally.

COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)

Participate in innovative virtual classes that connect you with students from partner institutions around the world. Engage in collaborative projects, discussions, and virtual exchanges – all from the comfort of your home country.

International Guest Lecturers

Learn from the best! World Citi Colleges invites renowned international scholars and industry experts to deliver lectures and workshops on diverse topics. Gain unique insights and broaden your knowledge base from a global perspective.

Partner With Us:

WCC Aeronautical and Technological College is committed to making a lasting impact on the world, and we understand that our influence is magnified through collaboration.

We believe that cooperation holds more value than competition. By fostering partnerships with other institutions, we can complement each other's strengths and reach our full potential together.

Join our growing global network and become a part of our mission to create a brighter future. Let us achieve greater heights and make a significant difference!

For partnership inquiries:
What's App: +63 954 172 9471


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we will call you back within the same working day.


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