Status Update 101: More air traffic in the Asia-Pacific region--why that's good news for you!

It’s important for you–as an aspiring pilot, aircraft engineer, or flight attendant–to know about the air traffic analysis in the region. For one, it shows that you are on the right track of choosing an industry that can help you be financially-stable while pursuing your passion!

There’s a huge demand for pilots and aviation professionals in the industry, and a recent air traffic analysis shows that more aircraft and passengers need your service.

Air traffic simply means the number and frequency of flights occurring in a certain place–like a local airport, or in the Asia-Pacific region, for example.

A recent report presented at the Canso Asia Pacific Conference in Vietnam shows that there’s greater air traffic in the region.

The study showed that the number of planes arriving and departing Asia-Pacific airports  increased by +6.1%, which is significantly higher than Europe’s (+3.6%) and North America’s (+2.7%).

This means more people are visiting Asia Pacific countries, likely due to booming tourism in the region. It can also mean that more pilots, flight attendants, and other aviation industry professionals will be needed to serve these passengers.

One result of greater air traffic is delayed flights. A study shows that the flight duration in Asia averages to two hours and forty-five minutes. Clearly, more aircraft, larger airports, and of course, more air traffic controllers and other aviation professionals are needed to work and meet the demands of the industry. Again, it presents job opportunities for Filipinos who take up careers in aviation.

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Basic Performance Analysis for the Asia/Pacific Air Traffic System (2017), presented at the Canso Asia Pacific Conference 2017, May 3-5, 2017, Ha Noi, Vietnam


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