Learning to fly: Reasons why you have to become a pilot

Almost one million tourists have flocked to Boracay last year. It is one of the most popular beach destinations in the Philippines with its white sands, beautiful sceneries, and clear waters. At night, you will see a lot of fire dancing, seafood buffets, and just people from different walks of life all coming together to have fun.


Boracay’s economy heavily relies on tourism. Without the help of travel, this tourist destination would cease to flourish.


The tourism industry and the aviation industry are closely related to each other in the sense that one supports the other. Technology has allowed travel to be more accessible to people. The cost of traveling has become more affordable. This is good news to tourists and both the tourism and aviation industry.


Travelling fuels all tourist destinations in the world. Simply put, how would tourism run without tourists and how would tourist reach those places without travelling?


It’s not only leisure travelling that’s affected, but travel for businesses, as well. Travel has helped a lot in making world economies interconnected. Of course, the internet makes communication among different businesses in the world possible, but there’s no denying that there is a need to travel, to make stakeholders meet face to face, in order to achieve success.


It’s not just in business, but in politics, too. Leaders from different sectors all around the world need to discuss important matters face to face, which only travel could make possible.


Air travel is an important development in transportation. It connects people and ultimately supports different industries. However, it is at stake.


The aviation industry is facing one of the biggest challenges it has ever encountered; pilot shortages. Boeing and Airbus, aircraft manufacturing companies, have predicted that over 600,00 new pilots will be needed by the next 15 years. At the rate of aircraft productions, the number of pilots coming just can’t keep up.


Different aircraft and airline companies have been finding ways to address this problem. Starting wages have been increased and better benefits for pilots are now being offered. Signing bonuses are even considered.


Different aviation schools are also pitching in. WCC, a prime aviation school in the Philippines, is inviting top notch aviation experts to teach and train future pilots. They also installed the latest and state of the art facilities for learning aviation in hopes to make the learning experience not just effective, but also enjoyable.


With the efforts from the whole aviation community, the pilot shortage will hopefully be reverted and travel will continue to flourish. The job of a pilot is more than just taking people from point A to point B. They strengthen connections, support industries, and bring people together.


Of course, these are all taught in pilot schools, too. More than the skills it takes to be a pilot, aviation schools also instill the values future pilots need. If you are up for the challenge, visit for more information on how to begin your flying journey.


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