How To Spot The Best Flying Schools In The Philippines?

Studying in a flying school is a good training ground for a future pilot to hone his skills and know more about the industry he wants to join. However, with the numerous flight schools cropping up nowadays, how can you choose the best flying school for your future pilot?

To help you, we have rounded up the steps you need to take to spot the best flying schools in the country. From there, hopefully, you can choose which flying school is the best for your child.


  1. Talk to your child and figure out what his pilot goals are.

Ask him what he wants to be after flight school. Does he want to be a private pilot? Does he want to be a pilot for airlines? Or does he want to be jet flyer for the military? Asking your child these questions would be helpful for you to find a school that will cater to his dreams specifically.


  1. Research, research, research.

Look for listing of flight schools online. Read forums and reviews of different people. Choose the flight schools that have the best reviews and scrap the ones who have the bad ones. Scour the internet if these schools have their own websites. From there, check what they have to offer. From those reviews and information, narrow down your schools of choice into 5. In this way, you can save time, money, and effort into visiting numerous schools.


  1. From narrowed down list, go to these schools.

Check if these schools have the right:


Look around and see if they have adequate and state-of-the-art facilities. Check if the school has simulations, large airfields, and well-ventilated classrooms. All of these are important for conducive learning.


Check the school’s roster of instructors. If possible, ask for their resume and certifications. These people will be the ones who will teach our child, so be sure to check their qualifications thoroughly.


This is an important element you should check. Certifications make sure that the flight school is authorized by the government and is ensured to keep its students safe. You can check with Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) for a list of the certified training schools.


The school should have the proper and adequate equipment so that students could experience the real deal. Check the number and condition of the airplanes, jets, and tools that the school has.


Check if the costs of the school fit your budget. Through this, you can further narrow down your choices.

These qualities should now help you choose the right flight school for your child. In choosing the right school, you are now making the first step in helping your child achieve his dreams.

To help you further in choosing the right flight school, check out WCC Aviation School. It has the right qualifications of the best flight school for your child. For more information, visit


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