Flying High: The Benefits of Working in Aviation

Connecting people and cultures by connecting flights– that’s what the aviation industry does. It’s global in every way, and it’s a great place to work, no matter what your interests might be.


There are several advantages to working in the industry, whether it’s as a mechanic, a flight attendant, a pilot, or a manager. Here are a few of them:


A variety of jobs

The aviation industry is full of opportunities. Because the industry is so huge, there are plenty of career paths you can take within it. You can be an air traffic controller, part of the cabin crew, or an avionics technician, among several other things. It all depends on what you’re interested in doing.

Not to mention, aviation supports around 10.2 million jobs around the world for those who work directly within the industry while there are 10.8 million indirect jobs– this includes fuel suppliers, suppliers of sub-components for aircrafts, and much more. IATA, or International Air Transport Association, believes that there will be even more jobs in the future.


Continuous learning

An industry so large and so fast-paced is continuously growing and evolving, which is why every person within it has to know how to do the same. People who work in aviation know that they have to be updated with what goes on within the industry, and that they have to keep their skills up to date, especially for pilots and engineers.

If you want to work in a field where you can keep learning and keep growing, both as a an individual and as a professional, aviation is the place to be.


Meeting new people

Although some might think that working for an airline or at an airport might be boring, be assured that it isn’t. Because different people from different walks of life come into an airport every single day, you’re sure to meet all types of personalities. No two days are bound to be the same.



The aviation industry isn’t going to go away, that much is sure. In fact, international passenger traffic in the Philippines has been growing by 11% consecutively for years. Because of this, you can expect to be in the industry for many years to come.


Travel opportunities

If this wasn’t obvious enough, working in aviation means getting the chance to travel all around the world. Some jobs require you to travel for work itself while other jobs might send you abroad for training. Those that work at airlines may even get discounts for flights. Who wouldn’t want that, right?


There are so many cool things about working in an industry that lets you experience so much, which is why people that work in aviation stay in it for a long time. In this industry, you’re bound to grow and soar to new heights.


If you see yourself in aviation and reaping these benefits, visit and start your journey now!


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