By the numbers: 5 important tasks of a flight engineer

Flying a plane is not child’s play–it’s not just mere landing and takeoff. It’s also about choosing the best routes, altitudes, and speed for the smoothest and safest flights. Fortunately, pilots have flight engineers to help them ensure the safety of the passengers.

Flight engineers, also known as air mechanics, monitor the instruments used on airplanes during flights. Their technical expertise allows pilots to focus on flying. Flight engineers have a lot of responsibilities on and off the ground. Here are some:

1. Repair any mechanical issues

One of their duties is to ensure that if any mechanical problem arises, they will be there to mend it.

2. Monitors the plane’s mechanical instruments

If pilots happen to have problems with the airplane’s mechanical instruments, flight engineers are the ones to call. They monitor the aircraft systems such as engines, gauge, wing flaps, and pressure indicators.

3. Preflight and post-flight inspections

They look at the weather conditions and check the proper amount of fuel needed for the whole flight. Flight engineers are always in communication with pilots in case there are any issues needed to be addressed. In addition, they read checklists and execute required actions under the captain’s orders.

4. Submit a complete flight log.

It’s their duty to file a comprehensive report and to contact the mechanics for repairs if a problem occurred during the flight. They carry out necessary actions to resolve any flight problems.

5. Check if the weight limits are met

They monitor the loading of cargo and passengers to make sure that the plane is still within the weight limits.

When it comes to flying planes, there is no such thing as bigger roles and smaller roles. Flight engineers are as important as pilots. Whatever your dream may be, whether to be a pilot or a flight engineer–it’s a job that matters, a dream worth pursuing. To help you realize and achieve your dreams, visit WCC’s website.


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