Believe it or not, Pilots actually follow these Code of Ethics

For some reason, pilots have always that certain air of respectability. Perhaps their uniform plays a role on this, perhaps, it is their sleek get-up; perhaps it comes from the fact that they’re trained pilots. We always seem to see pilots with respect and awe.


But there’s a reason behind this, and it’s not because of their looks, but how they act.


Ethics is a system of principles that decide what’s morally right and wrong, In the field of aviation in the Philippines, there isn’t a single code of ethics that can be applied for all.


This affects how people live their lives, make decisions, and interact with others. Airlines and aviation organizations in the Philippines have varying code of ethics. However, there’s this common themes are in place in these codes of ethics. Most pilots’ codes of ethics are divided into four sections: duties to the public, duties to employer, duties to other pilots, duties to one’s self.


Duties to the public:


  • External pressures or personal desires should not influence the judgment of a pilot.
  • A pilot will not knowingly do anything that could threaten flight safety.
  • A pilot is careful and will not neglect details that contribute to the safety of a flight.
  • A pilot will operate the aircraft in such a way that will to the well-being and safety of the passengers at all times.
  • A pilot is responsible in delivering his or her passengers to their destination on schedule.
  • In case of disaster or emergency, a pilot will do whatever necessary to keep passengers and crew away from harm and protect their lives.


Duties to employer:


  • A pilot will operate aircraft adeptly and on time that will not cause damage.
  • Respect to supervisors, officers, and directors of the airline he or she is working for are important. However, this respect is not synonymous to subservience.
  • Faithful obedience to orders by supervisors is necessary. However, he or she can refuse to obey any orders that, by his or her judgment, will negatively affect flight safety.
  • A pilot will not intentionally falsify any record, and will not condone similar actions by other crew members.
  • A pilot will hold the airline’s secrets in confidences and will be careful to not inadvertently reveal them.


Duties to Other Pilots:


  • A pilot should promote the personal and professional welfare of other pilots.
  • A pilot should protect other pilots’ reputation and earning power.
  • A pilot should strive to educate and develop experience, knowledge, and ability of other pilots.
  • Only constructive criticism should only be exercised between pilots.
  • Every pilot should feel responsibility for the conduct of other pilots.
  • One should strive to uphold the honor and dignity of the profession
  • When disputes and grave difference regarding professional matters arise between pilots, the argument should be brought to an impartial committee.


Duties To One’s Self:


  • A pilot will aim to be a good member of the community and the state, especially regarding the improvement of aviation and air safety.
  • A pilot will conduct all of his or her affairs accordingly.
  • A pilot should remember that he or she represents the profession and that his or her conduct can reflect upon the profession.
  • A pilot should strive to improve his or her skills and knowledge, to study, and to be updated on new developments in the industry.
  • A pilot will not give out materials such as article and interviews, or permit his name to be used in a manner that will likely bring discredit to another pilot, the airline industry, or the profession.
  • A pilot should be careful to not fly too much and to become too fatigued in a way that can impair his or her judgment and ability.


These guidelines regarding the conduct of pilots are helpful to keep in mind. Your future airline may have a different code slightly different to these. Always remember that beneath all the benefits, pride, and glamour of being a pilot, the essence will always be the desire to deliver passenger to their destinations.


WCC Aviation not only teaches pilot techniques and train their students in the technicalities in aviation, but also will teach the ethical practices in aviation. To know more about their curriculum, visit today.


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