5 Misconceptions About Having a Career in Aviation

Are you planning to study and have a career in aviation, but too anxious to do so?


Your worries could be coming from a lot of incorrect information and misconceptions about aviation. It’s time to know the truth so you can make an informed decision about a potential aviation career:


#1 Flying school is too expensive and hard to enter


Like other entrance examinations in other schools, the ones given at aviation schools are meant to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Contrary to what many believe, it’s not extremely difficult to pass an aviation school’s entrance test. And even if you lack knowledge on the mechanical and technical aspects of the course, the school is prepared to help you learn all that. There are programs that enhance your skills and strengthen the areas that you’re weak at.


Yes, flying school can be expensive but in the end, it’s all worth it. Once you start working in the field of aviation, the tuition and other expenses you invested will return 33 times higher–much more than what you expect or initially shelled out.



#2 “Connections” are a must to be able to enter aviation


You don’t need to have any connections to enter aviation companies. Aviation is a competitive industry that demands highly capable pilots. Don’t believe the misconception that you need a supporter / backer; you just need to be competent, skilled, and knowledgeable enough to pass the company’s criteria.


#3 Flight Attendants are your personal assistants


If you’re interested in having a career as a flight attendant, you need to remember this.  Flight attendants are not the personal maids/assistants of the passengers all throughout the flight. They are well-trained and highly skilled professionals who ensure that all their passengers reach their destination with ease, comfort, and safety.


#4 You can fly any aircraft if you have a license


Before going further, you must decide which pilot certificate program you aim for. There are different pilot certificates or licenses that limit what type of aircraft–and how high–a pilot is allowed to fly.


Sport Pilot Certificate– Light sport aircraft at low altitude

Recreational Pilot Certificate – Limited to fly an aircraft up to 180 horsepower (130kw)

Private Pilot Certificate-   Aircraft-Single Engine Land with instructor

Commercial Pilot Certificate-  Flying complex aircraft

Flight Instructor Certificate-  Professional Pilot Instructor

Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) Certificate – Commercial airlines aircraft


Being certified as a certain pilot does not mean that you are certified to fly every kind of plane. Each certificate comes with limitations and expected duties bound to the position you achieved.



#5 Women can’t be pilots


Ladies, don’t ever think you can’t. Of course you can. It’s been proven time and again that women are as competent or even better than men when it comes to flying an aircraft. So if you’re a woman, don’t give up on your dream to fly the skies someday.


Aviation centers are open to all genders. Gender does not define an individual’s skills, intelligence, and competence that this career requires.


Dismiss these misconceptions and don’t be afraid to chase your passion. WCC Aviation School in the Philippines is here to help you all the way. For more information, visit our website here .


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