Where to Study: Air Force or Flying Schools?

Learning to fly an aircraft can be considered as one of life’s most rewarding adventures. The free will of going up in the air is not only fun but can lead to an interesting career and travel opportunities. To take advantage of aviation’s rewards, one must make sure to have sound andsubstantial knowledge, and holistic aviation training to become a safe and confident pilot in the air.

One of the most important steps in the process is finding the right flying institution which will provide all your needed knowledge and experience in reaching your dream. With a number of flight schools today, you’ll have a hard time choosing where to go. You have the option of studyingat the Philippine Air Force (PAF) or the flight schools.

Evidently, pursuing your dream in the aviationindustry todaydoesn’t solely depend on the notion of only having the best flight training at PAF. The boomingaviation industry in the Asia Pacific Region,which was projected to last until the next 20 years,has led to the influx of different flying schools following the growing demand forairline personnel.

Before choosing your academy or flight school, it paysto have a general idea of what you want from aviation. There are questions to think about before you start considering any flight school:Why do you choose to fly over other jobs? What is your ultimate goal in entering aviation? Do you want to learn to fly for personal reasons or for a career in the airline industry? Will you be flying local or do you want to travel around the world? Do you want to own an airplane someday or will you rent? Also, consider your training period, whether you’ll go full time or part time because it can be a big factor in your flight school criteria.

An additional consideration in choosing is whether or not the school is a nationally accredited training institution. Accredited training institutions are recognized by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines and must meet standards of accountability in all aspects of operation.

Choose the flying institution with curriculum that is hands-on, responsive and has a keen eye for the requirements of top airline and aviation companies. It should have a full understanding of the importance of discipline in aviation training, quality resources and facilities that stand out from any aviation training institutions in the country, competent and experienced instructors and quality aviation training that students can use in pursuing their airline career.

Make sure that the flight school you will be choosing has the greatest potential in preparing you for multi-dimensional tasks. This is integral to your holistic development as a world-class professional. It should model the most creative educational enrichment to strengthen you for the globally competitive era. With this, you may even join the aviation industry as the focal point of your career. A good example of top-quality flying schools is the WCC which has programs especially crafted to unleash the skills of the students and to provide opportunities to people with a passion for aviation. WCC Aviation also offers the Flexi Pilot program which is a flight module that allows professionals to take up part-time flight training. The PAF is no longer the only avenue for pilot wannabes to pursue their dreams; WCC stays ahead of the competition and extends its hand to anyone with the desire to fly higher than what any other institution can offer.


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