The Coolest Job You Should Consider Getting In

While almost everyone with wanderlust dreams of  travelling around the world, being able to fly around the globe while earning is the ideal position to be in.


Being a pilot is a good career choice where you can achieve the best of both worlds: you can fly anywhere and get money from it at the same time!


From the moment the cockpit door closes to the time it opens, most pilots would still rate their job as the best and coolest job in the world. But being a pilot is more than just having a cool career, it’s more of having the passion and calling to do so.


Have you ever considered choosing this as a career choice?



The satisfying perks of a lifetime


Becoming a pilot is not as easy as we think it is. Obviously, it is difficult to drive a flying vehicle almost 35,000 feet above the ground plus all the technicalities and legalities that comprises it. However, being a pilot is one of the most prestigious  careers ever–and it’s perks makes it a worthy career choice to make.


These cool guys may spend most of their time on air because they work primarily in aircraft, but they also have flexible schedules so that they still have their own time to spend.


They also have travel benefits. As part of their job, they get big discounts on personal air travel. These guys also enjoy free hotel accommodations whenever they want to and eat for free or at lower price between travel legs.


It’s every pilot’s job to ensure the safety of the passengers every flight. In exchange, it’s the airline’s responsibility to assure the health of every pilot. They often receive comprehensive medical coverage – and yes this perks extends to their families.


But it doesn’t stop there, these perks can also last for a lifetime.


It has the salary you ever wish to have


Of course, the perks mentioned above are just bonuses for pilots. Their career life can be very lucrative that can shoulder all your expenses more than enough to support your own family. In short, becoming a pilot allows you to be financially stable.


It is possible that to earn as much as P175,000 to P300,000 per month for first officer and captain–That is how great the pay is!



Pilots are needed now more than ever


If you think having a career is waking up early everyday because you have to be at the office by 8 o’clock in the morning, doing piled up works and taking an hour lunch break – maybe it’s time you consider getting into aviation career. Not only that perks are undeniably fascinating, demand for new pilots are increasing.


More than 100 million new passengers are expected to enter the Asian market each year. By 2034, the aviation industry needs 226,000 new pilots, which means aside from the demand of new airplanes, pilots are also needed more than ever.


From these, it only goes to show how becoming a pilot can be your best and coolest career choice. But before anything, becoming a pilot can be achieved by getting the right training from a pilot school first. More than the perks, aviation schools like WCC Aviation may help you prepare for a professional career in the aviation industry.


Visit for more information if you want to know more about pilot training and travelling.


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