Myth Buster: Women Can Be Awesome Airline Pilots

Ever encountered a lady bus driver? How about a car mechanic who’s a woman? Or a lady fire fighter? At first glance, these jobs seem fit for the tough ones –the big boys. But as time flies, the fictitious ownership of job titles among the boys took off.

In the good old times (or perhaps should I say the bad times?) women are treated differently. They are expected to stay at home, watch over the children, and serve their dear husband after coming home from work.

Such old practices belittled women’s competencies and put them in a box where they are confined with what is expected from them.

But women became wiser. Learning to stand for what they can do and what they want. The years of wanting to be recognized by what they can do paid off and they earned the respect they deserve.

Luckily, this old tale will soon be vanished. The society right now, is becoming more mature into accepting the fact that women can do more, and has the ability to do what the men can.

As the ladies trudged into a more domineering path, entering turfs that was once labelled as the “boys-zone”, their growth have extended in numerous careers.

One of these professions that women came about is aviation. The wonderful world of heights and flying!

Aviation, dominated by the male species, is quite hard to imagine how women came about and started to make their own name in the industry.

Nowadays, many women are aspiring to become pilots, but are constrained by such notion, that is why it is time for ladies to bloom and bend the throttle to fly to their dreams.

The surprising fact is that as early as 1906, a woman made her way to the industry and hopefully the list will keeping going.

A recent study published by, the online version of Time magazine, revealed one astonishing fact: women operate aircraft more safely than males.

The study was done over the course of 2002 to 2013. It stated that the reason why female pilots are safer to operate was because when it comes to switching tasks in between, men are eight percent slower.

Agility is life and death matter when it comes to operating an aircraft.

What makes women more advantageous is that they tend to be more delicate and have more graceful control, which makes them capable of navigating aircrafts.

Women’s grace and agility are what make them great pilots, breaking the concept that aviation is not meant for the ladies.

One must always bear in mind that a dream is just an illusion until you start making it up happen, male or female. Whether the profession you want to take is male or female liberated, never stop going after it.

There will always be hindrances in making those visions come true but with hard work, determination, and persistence, anything is possible.


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