How In-Demand Are Aircraft Mechanics In The Philippines?

It’s good that there’s a steady demand of pilots in the Philippines. But what about those who actually know how to handle and repair the airplanes, are they in demand, too?

Aircraft mechanics are the ones who maintain and repair the avionics and mechanical equipment in any aircraft. Their job includes inspecting the entire machine, repairing and replacing necessary parts, and maintaining the aircraft quality based on the standards given by Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). Just how in demand are they?


Getting into the field
Yes, aircraft mechanics are in-demand, too– both locally and internationally. With an abundance of flight attendants and pilots, aviation companies are in need of people who can also fix and maintain aircraft.

Just like any other careers, being an aircraft mechanic also bears a lot of steps. From taking up Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) track in your senior high school to enter the aircraft-related course, and then passing your exam and interview– all of these steps just to get a license.


Average salary

Aircraft maintenance is considered to be one of the top 10 best paying jobs for fresh graduates, with an average of Php 34,000 in one to four years of experience. Having a managerial position in this field can even make you earn up to Php 79,000.

Just imagine the salary offer once you got the job abroad! US base salary is at an average of US$3,015/month, Singapore with $3,000-$3,500 Singaporean dollars/month and UAE with $3,700-$4,000 dirhams/month.


The perks

Aside from a good pay, being an aircraft mechanic especially when you chose to study in the Philippines has a lot of perks too. We Filipinos are known to be hard-workers and fluent English speakers, making us not only internationally in-demand in the field of aeronautics, but also in other careers.


It is also ideal for aspiring aircraft mechanics and pilots to study in the Philippines because our country is rich in the history of aviation, showing that the Philippines has the longest aviation experience in Asia.

If you’re an aircraft enthusiast with fascination of tinkering machines and engines, then this might be the best career for you! Start the path to your dream by choosing the right aviation school. WCC Aviation can help you reach your goals with its complete facilities to cater your educational needs. For more information, visit


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