Careers You Can Land On After Finishing Aeronautics Course

Contrary to popular belief, aeronautics isn’t all about piloting an aircraft. It’s much broader than what people typically expect. There’s an entire team working together behind the scenes to make flying as comfortable as possible. These people help maintain, fix, and prepare the aircraft for takeoff and touchdown.

Here’s a rundown of some of the positions in a flight crew that you can take as a career opportunity in the aeronautics industry:


Being a pilot is one of the most popular jobs in the Philippines. No wonder it’s usually the first job that comes to people’s mind when they hear “aeronautics” or “aviation.”

Pilot enthusiast take on rigorous training and a Licensure Examination to become a fully-fledged pilot. They fly long or short-haul flights for business, cargo, or commercial purposes.


Flight Engineer
Also called an air engineer, they are responsible for many aircraft systems, including the engines, pre and post flight inspections, and air-conditioning inside the plane, among others.

Flight engineers also work in close collaboration with the pilots to see if the aircraft instruments are all functioning properly. While on flight, they sit behind the pilots in the cockpit to operate on the gauges, switches, and other indicators.
Aircraft Technician

Aside from airplanes, there are many types of aircraft out there. There’s the helicopter, blimp, balloon, and many others. Aircraft technicians are responsible maintaining and repairing these machines.

Sometimes, aircraft technicians are also given the task of running diagnostics on the plane. This means that they run communications and systems checks before these aircraft take off.


Aviation and Aeronautic Design

Aeronautic designers studies various techniques and methods for designing aircraft. They lead a team of mechanics and sometimes other engineers in completing the project. It’s also their job to ensure that all features, as well as the overall design and structure of the aircraft, be up to par with the international standards of design and functionality.


Aeronautical Drafter

Working alongside the engineer, drafters are in charge of creating the blueprints of an aircraft. In these blueprints, they specify the materials that the construction will need, the size of the components, and how to put it all together.

Drafters are also responsible in indicating everything in the aircraft, from the plane itself down to each and every seats in it.


Aviation and Aeronautic Maintenance
Aeronautic maintenance checks an aircraft if it’s up to the Federal Aviation Admission’s (FAA) standards. They make sure that the aircraft is in tip top shape before it leaves the ground. If there’s a sudden malfunction in the machine, maintenance personnel also fix and repair all problems within a time period.


Air Traffic Controller
Second only to the pilots, air traffic controllers work in the control tower to guide aircraft on their routes. Like traffic officers, they are the ones responsible for maintaining a safe and efficient traffic in the air. This entails an excellent sense of direction and location to be able to give the pilots the most efficient route.
Having learned all this, it’s time for you to go out there and tell those people that you can take aeronautics and not be a pilot!

There is so much to choose from and all these world-class opportunities are open to you now that you have made your pivotal choice. Let WCC Aviation help you start your journey! With both of its branches offering a range of courses catering to the career options presented, you will be sure to land the job that will help propel your aviation career forward.


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