Airline passengers’ 5 Most Common Problems and how to solve them

Traveling seems to be everyone’s goals these days. Vacationing a foreign country, discovering its culture and meeting different people, seems thrilling and fun! Finally, you’ll be able to see those picturesque landmarks in person and not just on your newsfeed.

However, traveling is not just about the glitz and glamour. There are things that can make your first trip turn into a disaster.

Every year, airline companies receive complaints from its passengers, so be prepared and do your part in avoiding these travel mishaps.

Baggage Theft

Baggage theft is rampant in the Philippines, it’s embarrassing how travelers lose their valuables in our airports. Travelers are posting videos online showing their damaged and empty baggage. Avoid this by putting valuable items in your carry-on luggage and pay for an excess valuation charge, as a safety net in case your things get lost.

Delayed Flights
“Your flight is delayed.” is the most frustrating thing you can hear as a passenger. Imagine, being up all night, feeling giddy and excited about your first trip ever, only to find out that it is delayed. In this case, it pays to know your rights as a passenger. The Air Passenger Bill of Rights mandates that if a flight is delayed for three hours, passengers are entitled to refreshments or meals. They also have the right to rebook or refund their ticket, or be endorsed to another carrier.

Uncomfortable seats
Narrow and cramped seats will always be a problem for passengers. An uncomfortable seat can stress you out during the flight or even cause you physical paint. The problem is, seats are nearly always narrow and cramped unless you are flying Business Class. What to do?

A Forbes article by Gary Stoller has a lot of useful tips. One hack is to choose a seat near the exit or a bulkhead seat. These would have more legroom and wiggle room. Another is to simply sleep. This means avoiding distractions (like social media or video games) during the flight. Avoid coffee, soft drinks, and other caffeinated beverages. You can bring a comfy pillow, drink a beer or take melatonin–do whatever helps you sleep.

For more advice from Stoller, click here.

Hidden charges
Have you ever tried booking online? Are you one of those people who got lured into the “Piso fare” promo? Surprise! The cost of the ticket increases every time you click the “next” button. There are unnecessary and hidden add-ons that some airline companies select for you when you book tickets online. Always read and check the procedure and fine details when purchasing air tickets online.

Customer Service
Rude and disinterested airline employees can be a problem sometimes. Delayed passengers may experience poor cabin assistance and treatment from airline employees. Airline travelers also complain about the bad airline food, as well. Obviously, we can’t change other people’s attitudes but it pays to keep cool and be patient–although you should politely assert yourself when needed. As for food–one solution is to simply pack your own food in case the airline food is awful.

Your dream flight shouldn’t be compromised, know your rights as a passenger and always be prepared. Visit WCC’s website to know more about airline management.


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