5 Things to Consider When Choosing A Flight School

Once you decide that you want to be a pilot, the next step is choosing the best aviation school for you: but wait, all flight schools claim to be the best! How do you decide which one to enrol at?

Don’t worry–there are the five things you need to check when choosing a flight school. A school that has these five attributes will be able to help you fulfill your dreams.


Course Outline and Training

Before anything else, check the training and course outline of the flight school. Aside from flight training and management. Find out if the flight school operating a FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations) part 61 or FAR part 141.

The difference between the two programs is: Part 61 is more relaxed and free. It allows the instructor to adapt the syllabus and lesson plans as long as they find it fits the discussion. Part 141 on the other hand, is a lot more meticulous and intensive when it comes to the course outline. Outlines must be approved by the FAA first and this program is quicker than the programs under Part 61.



You must also consider the location of the aviation school you want to enter. Is it convenient for your everyday transportation? Does being in the area put you in harm’s way? An aviation school that’s in a safe, easily accessible location is the better choice.



After choosing what program you will undergo, considering the cost is the next big thing.

Assess whether or not the cost is appropriate and worth the program that the school offers. The cost doesn’t necessarily reflect whether the school’s program is good or bad; whatever you decide, just prepare yourself financially.



You should also consider the performance and background of your potential pilot instructors. Aside from the instructors’ experience and qualification, check also the number of pilot instructors that a flight school has.

Your teachers’ availability is an A factor for swift and precise learnings. An inadequate number of instructors leads to delayed classes, rescheduled or skipped trainings and will eventually affect the duration and quality of your education. All these consume more money and time.


Aviation Aircraft

Last but not definitely not the least, you must consider the kind of aircraft that a pilot school uses for hands-on teaching.

You need to know how many and what are the types of aircraft the school has. Distinguishing the types of aircraft will help you to decide if the aviation school is the right and fit for the training you prefer. An inadequate number of aircrafts may prolong your training period and cost you more.

Considering these five factors will help you a lot in deciding on what flight school you will choose. WCC Aviation School is always ready to provide the education you need for a successful career as a pilot. For more guidelines and tips, visit .


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