What You Should Know Before Studying Aeronautical Engineering

Do you have a passion for quality engineering? If so, then you might consider being an aeronautical engineer.


Aeronautical engineers are mechanic whizzes who love tinkering the machinery of an aircraft. They think of solutions on how the machine works and how it could be upgraded to be better, more efficient ones.

Being an aeronautical engineer is very rewarding. It’s also one of the most prestigious jobs in the Philippines. But before getting that dream degree, these are the things you should know about this job:


You should be in it for the long haul
Before continuing on with aeronautical engineering, ask yourself this: Why am I here? Am I really sure that I want this job? Have a commitment that you’ll pursue this career. The aviation industry is a tough one to successfully penetrate, you have to go all the way in or not at all.

You have to have a firm mind to be successful in this industry and most importantly, your heart should be in your work. Otherwise, in the middle of the frustrations, you’ll end up steering to another direction or worse, end up quitting.


You need a winner’s attitude to get through

Get a winner’s attitude by listening intently to your lectures and doing your best in every activity. Bring your A game in every class whether it’s a basic beginner’s subject or a difficult hands-on practical exam.

Most importantly, when procrastination hits you, remember your goal. Every success comes with hard work and grit to be better.


Aeronautical engineers take on much more than the dirty work

This profession is multidisciplinary, this means, aeronautical engineers handle a sum of technical responsibilities. For example, they collaborate with mechanics with regards to flight safety. They provide information and data on the status of an aircraft during its maintenance period. They also talk with clients about any aircraft concerns (like comfort-ability, etc.) and measure the performance of an aircraft consistently.


Pursuing this career, you might find yourself working in a production hangar, aircraft workshop or doing something office-based. You may even get to work with space related aircraft and satellites!


You should be careful in choosing an aviation school

Do your research on the best flight school that offers your desired course. This is an important decision to make because your school can be a critical factor in making you pass the Licensure Board Exam.


Aeronautical engineering is also a four to five year course. So it’s important for you to enroll in a school that you’ll be comfortable with– at the same time, challenging for you. WCC Aviation is a flight school that can train you to become a licensed aeronautical engineer in the future. Located at the heart of the city, it’s accessible for everyone who has the passion to pursue this career.


To learn more about what WCC Aviation can offer, visit


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